The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst held its second annual Physical Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory Summer School during the week of July 17 - 21, 2023.


1. Philip Argyres, University of Cincinnati - An Introduction to Superconformal Field Theory Basics for Mathematicians - Lecture notes can be found here.

2. Reimundo Heluani, Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) - Introduction to Chiral Homology

3. Monica Kang, California Institute of Technology - Introduction to 4D and 6D Superconformal Field Theories

4. Anne Moreau, Université Paris-Saclay - Introduction to Vertex Algebras and Associated Varieties


For talk abstracts and background reading, click here.

List of Participants

For a list of registered participants, see here.

Conference Photo

A photo from the conference can be found here.